Great and Small Needs Your Support
Rider fees account for only 30% of Great and Small's annual budget. Your contributions allow Great and Small to continue to provide equine-assisted activities and therapies to children and adults with special needs. Both monetary and in-kind gifts are graciously accepted.
Great and Small is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and all contributions are fully tax-deductible.
Sponsors are gratefully acknowledged on our website and in other program materials, unless they request to remain anonymous.
Monetary donations can be made out to
"Great and Small" and mailed to:
Great and Small
17320 Moore Road
Boyds, MD 20841
Click the link below to give online.
For other giving opportunities at Great and Small, take a look at horse adoption and our wish list.

What Your Generous Support Provides:
$6,000 — Sponsorship of a therapy horse for one year
$2,000— Sponsorship of a program horse for four months
$500 — One session of therapeutic riding lessons
$250 —Two weeks of sponsorship for a program horse
$50 — A new helmet for a rider

Horse Leases and Donation
Interested in leasing your horse? Great and Small relies on generous lessors to provide the horses used in all equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT) at the farm. We offer a free lease opportunity that allows you to retain ownership and incur no boarding fees while your equine serves as part of the
Great and Small Team.
In general, Great and Small is looking for horses ages 7-20 who are sound and well-schooled. Horses should be able to walk, trot, and canter on the rail demonstrating correct leads, and hack alone or in company on short trail rides. Stellar ground manners and an unflappable temperament are key.
Fill out our online form for horse leases and donations and a staff member will contact you to discuss whether your horse could be a potential match for our program.
New or gently used computers and laptops
Large arena groomer
Arena watering system
ASTM/SEI certified helmets (we can only accept new helmets for safety reasons)
Photography / videography
Website management
Alternative therapies (massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc.)
Enclosed-motor outdoor fans
Stall mats
Equine fly masks and fly spray
New or gently used and waterproofed horse blankets, sizes 64"-84"
Other Ways to Give
eBay Giving Works - Shop, Sell and Donate
Save us as your favorite nonprofit on eBay and support us every time you buy and sell.
Whenever you make a purchase on eBay and pay with PayPal, you can donate $1 (or more) to Great and Small at checkout.
Each time you create a listing you will be able to easily designate a percentage of your sale to Great and Small. Click here for helpful tips to create your listings.
The blue and yellow ribbon identifies listings that support nonprofits through eBay Giving Works. See current auctions in support of Great and Small.
If you can’t find anything to buy or sell, anyone with a PayPal account can make an online cash donation of as little as $1 to Great and Small (or another nonprofit) through the Donate Now program. Shoppers also can donate at eBay checkout.